Thursday, 25 September 2014

Rules in filming

In this blog I will be talking about the 180 degree rule , match on match action and reverse shot
180 degree rule- the 180 degree rule is used for special awareness and to keep continuity .e.g. a character would look to the left and the other character was to look to the right and when it cuts between the two it gives the sense they are facing each other .
picture of the 180 degree rule
match on action-Its an editing technique used between shots for continuity, even though they where filmed many hours apart . e.g. all shots filmed outside first then the inside shots are filmed second and then match on action is used to make it appear to be filmed in the order as the final production.
reverse shot-its a filming technique when the camera is focused on one character with another characters back facing the camera ,then the camera switches focusing the camera on the second character with the first ones back facing the camera . this technique is used to show the characters emotions individually
 picture of reverse shot

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