Thursday, 11 December 2014

Storyboard for our thriller task

Side 1
Side 1: the first side includes all up to the scene where the victim(Me) gets attacked by the antagonist.
The shots used are wide shot, over-shoulder shot and two shot , the wide shot is technically our establishing shot as it is setting the mood and theme as the location is mysterious and dark. The over shoulder shot is used to show the action of the victim and the camera shot can suggest someone is behind him (In which there is).The two shot shows the comparison between both characters and that they are binary opposites as one is evil while the other isn't.  

Side 2
Side 2:Is the scene in which the victim has fell to the floor and trying to crawl away while multiple kinds of shots are used to create different effects. On the second tile the victim is crawling passed the camera while its on a fixed position just to show how fast the victim is moving and that its just fast enough to escape the victim however the murderer is doing the cliché slow walk while the victim tries to escape. Over the shoulder shot is used this time to show the height distance between the two characters and that  the murderer is in control of the situation and has overall more power .    

Side 3
Side 3:in this scene the witness (Brad) has seen the murder take place and the murder looks at his own reflection and the notices the witness in which he  turns to and then it ends to insinuate that isn't the only murder to happen or that murder is going to get caught. In the last two tiles we use shot/reverse shot to show the emotion on both the murders face and thee witnesses face and the next action they are going to take.  
This is our storyboard for our thriller.

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